photo retouching services

photo retouching services

"AI image generation & management"

Most people think AI is the matter of a click but it is not the case at all if you need professional results, regardless of how amazing the produced image looks like: it often needs skillful retouching. We generate the images you need and we do retouch them indeed.

"From mainstream ads..."

to food...

to unbelievable effects...

to animals...

to monsters...

to the now famous people who don't exist...

High-end object retouching

In these cases, objects are made look better, and sometimes fixed, which implies drawing photorealistic parts of the object like in the two following images. Very often a picture looks appealing and has awful defaults to fix for the product to be presented in the best possible way.

Be sure to click on the icons below to see enlarged samples

coming soon

Here’s a before/after image that we zoom in further below, let’s have a look.

The original shot on the left shows you terrible flaws in the nails area. The photo is A3 300ppi, this is a 200% zoom.

The tattoo on the left was removed by painting over the original one.

Finally, these two pictures show you the model’s left temple, and how ravaged that zone was. Some realistic and cute hair was painted.

The make-up box was mostly painted with new highlights and contours, also with less contrast so the photographer or client can adjust the contrast himself on a separate layer according to his/her taste. The perspective was altered too to make the box look easier to the eye.

Light correction, colorimetry and overall enhancement

Various techniques

These two objects are from Le Louvre museum in Paris and were shot through their glassbox, placed on another background and retouched for better display.

Portrait edition and montage

After you've seen photoshop montages in the "real life", expect to find the highest quality with touchup

Creatively altered portraits for people who want another self-image

Pixel precise retouching for commercial purposes

Nothing comes easy

Recent Ai technologies are worth the wait. Let us start with three examples of ageing with AI, and please visit the AI section: